Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Something to Smile about

My whole life I have hated my smile, mostly due to the fact that I had fangs. In my mind the fangs were the first thing people saw and it made me selfconsious. So I finally desided to do something about it. I went to my dentist, layed out the cash (more than I care to admit) and had 6 Vaneers put on. Well its not that easy.

First they grind down your real teeth so that they are reshaped in the way you want. They literally cut the fangs off about halfway down. Once the teeth are shapped they take an impression. Then they put on a acrylic set of "test teeth." I wore them for a week and drove my friends crazy about what changes I need to make so they perfect. I then went in and had a revision done, more grinding and more acrylic. BTW, the acrylic teeth were gross because they made my gums bleed, hence the pic below.

Once the teeth were the way I wanted they took an impression. The 2 impressions (ground down real teeth and test smile) to the vaneer place. The lab gets 3 weeks to build the perfect teeth. During this time I could not use my front teeth to bite, which was a collasal pain in the butt.

Today I went in and had the "test smile" removed and the final vaneers put on. The process took 2.5 hrs. My jaw was so tired and I was high as a kite from the bonding agents (4 of them) they use to adhere the vaneer to my real teeth. It was all worth it, see pic below. Now I have something to smile about.


Unknown said...

Now if you were anything like Dr. Bombay's mother, you'd save the fang stubs. I was recently presented with a small box containing a complete set of my baby teeth. Bet you can't top that.

Helga said...

Yeti, sweetie. You look Mahvelous.

You should blog more often (hint, hint).