Saturday, August 25, 2007

Feet First and all that jazz

Dr. Bombay has me intrigued by the blogging he did on our recent Gale and Oprah trip to Cidar Point....AMERICA'S ROLLER COAST (we only heard their tag line.....10,000 times in 2 days). On the way to Ohio Dr.Bombay drilled me for hrs and hrs and hrs on the GRE words I must know for my Oct 10th test. *Yes that is right, Yeti has decided to go from Yeti to Dr. Yeti. That journey will be blogged about in its own weird way.*

Just image 80+ mph on the 80/90 turnpike while reading flashcards and trying to figure out words like RAPACIOUS. Dr. Bombay got to see the sick mind that is Yeti through the Yeti-isms used to learn new things. For Example: Rapacious: Rap stars on MTV Cribs are Greedy and excessive so put it all together and you get Greedily Excessive.

Well for now this is the opening to The Chronicles of Yeti. Lets see where and when the Yeti will strike next.

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